What I learnt on holidays

We just recently returned from our first family holiday in years.

Our previous one was taken in a caravan park, on the Atherton Tablelands, not too far from where we live.

Our 3-year-old son had never been on a plane until now, and our 5-year-old was a baby when she had her last plane trip, so had no memories of it.

It almost seemed like we were holidaying for the first time, it has been that long, and we have been in such desperate need for one.

The holiday did not always go to plan, but we did have fun, and along the way I learnt many things, here are some of them:

What I learnt on holidays

  • Spending more money does not mean that you will have more fun. We found some amazing free parks, and lovely little beaches, and found the moments spent at these places were the most peaceful of our holiday.

  • The one time you don’t pack a  spare change of clothes will be the one time your fully toilet trained child has an accident (in the most inappropriate of places)
  • The dreams and expectations you have of some places may be hard to meet, yet the places that you think are going to be not so great end up being the most great experiences and eye openers.

  • Kids do not always understand that their parents are having a holiday too, and perhaps need the odd reminder.
  • Seeing and experiencing things with your children is a magical experience, to see the wonder and joy that they hold for all these new things to them, even if it is something that you have experienced before yourself, the fact that you are doing it with your children for their first time makes it feel extra special.
  • Being away with your children also gives you more of an excuse to act like a child. BC (before children), you may have been given an odd look if you were caught cavorting amongst the ball pit at the caravan park you were staying at. With children on tow, people just think you are being a hands on parent.

  • Girly shopping trips are fun ,had not done one in many years, but met up with an old friend while on holidays and had  great girly morning out, trying on clothes without having the change room door flung open on me by an escapee child.
  • I come from a rather small town, so bigger cities often make me end up feeling like a country bumpkin.
  • I forget how many great companies that we still don’t have in our town, so would often hear myself getting excited over cafes/ stores /supermarket chains that locals thought I was being a bit of a wacko.
  • Holidays can help your children create new dreams. When my kids saw the amazing dolphin show at Sea world they both   decided that they are  going to one day become a dolphin trainer.

  • When you have not had to pack a suitcase in years, you find that your packing skills may have somewhat diminished. (didn’t help that I did my packing after a big day/night before celebrating  my friend’s wedding)
  • No matter how much walking you do, or how many fun things, or how well the day seems to be going, that insomniac child will go from happy to screaming banshee EVERY night of your holidays.

  • Kids don’t understand that staying in close proximity to others means that they need to tone that voice down NOW!
  • Hybrids are great cars! (our hire car was one, loved it, and sooooo economical on the fuel)
  • After a huge day out with the kids, you will find yourself saying “I could really use a drink tonight”, but find yourself so tired that you cannot even be assed walking across the road to the bottle shop, and decide on an early night instead (wow, when did I get so old!)
  • As much fun as holidays are, there is no place like home, or the feeling of joy as you fly into your town, and see the things you love about it, the cane fields, the blue skies and the mountains, and the knowledge that you are now home.

2 thoughts on “What I learnt on holidays

  1. Looks like you had a fabulous time! I love how when you are with kids you get a chance to be a big kid yourself. ( I often drive past the local BIG4 and their amazing jumping pillow and waterplay park and see the parents and their kids playing and wishing I could go in there for a bit of fun – and I am GOING to do that soon). Good for you for taking some time out with your kids. Glad you got to go shopping with your friend without having to worry about the niblets too. You deserve it! xx

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