The Full House

Yesterday was a very busy day in our house.

With playdates, and friends moving their furniture into our shed for storage, as well as people coming to pay for and pick up furniture we had advertised on local sites, the house just seemed to be brimming with people.

At one stage, a quick head count came to 7 children from 4 different families.

Toys were found from one end of the house to the other.

The sound of cars and trucks were heard from Noah’s room, and the boppy music and squeals of laughter could be heard from Kiara’s room.

We took the cars out of the garage to give the kids room to ride their scooters around.

The back yard was explored and made into a huge hiding spot.

The kids returned for cool drinks and snacks.

We fed the herds with an impromptu BBQ at lunch time, once all the moving had been done for our friends.

Some helpers were driven back to their house, with one Miss 5-year-old crying at the thought of leaving such fun and adventure.

Cups of tea were poured, problems of the world, and parenthood were solved.

Kids continued to play.

The sun began to set.

Perhaps we could all have fish and chips for dinner?

Takeaway was ordered, kids shared a bath and invited friends to borrow some clothes.

Delicious food was gobbled up, and a bottle of wine was shared.

Our friends leave to a new life in Melbourne in a week.

Thankfully it is only for a few years.

We have known this lovely family for a few years already, they have had us over for dinner, we have both had many a play date.

The number of times we have said once the husband is back from work we would have them over for dinner is countless.

It just has not happened……. until last night.

As they left, tired kids on tow, we kissed cheeks goodbye.

I found myself about to utter the words “we should do this again”.

Only I realized unless we travel to Melbourne, it will be 2 years until we do this again.

As I tucked my two kids into bed, hours after their bedtime, they were both exhausted but happy, telling me stories of fun and adventure they had both had with their friends, without even leaving our backyard.

Why did we not do something like this sooner?

I often remind myself to organize friends to come over, to have a dinner party, or a play date, but often I forget before I have invited the people.

Life happens, things get in the way and I forget.

At one stage today our house looked like a cyclone had gone through it, toys were strewn from one end of the house to the other.

Mud and wet grass were trawled in, and countless food and drink was consumed.

I got to the end of the day, and I realized it was all worth it.

Our house was full of noise and chaos, it was full of mess and clutter, but among it all, our house was also full of laughter and love, of friendship and sharing.

Our day had not been planned, the events just seemed to fall into place as the day rolled on.

And you know what? It felt pretty awesome.